Angong Niuhuang Wan

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Product Name: Angong Niuhuang Wan

Product Model: Pill (Big Honeyed Pill)

Product Introduction:

To clear heat, remove toxin, settle fright, open the orifices.

Febrile disease caused by pathogenic factors entering the pericardium, high fever and fright syncope, loss of consciousness, delirious speech; Wind-stroke coma, encephalitis, meningitis, toxic encephalopathy, cerebral hemorrhage and septicemia with the pattern mentioned above. The medicine is recommended to use for severe COVID-19 patient.It is recommended by "Diagnosis and Treatment Plan of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Tentative fourth / five / sixth / Seventh Edition)" in severe and critical cases treatment.


IT Center, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT)


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